Movement class
Movement classes taught at Movement Amsterdam are open to all levels. In this class, we will be working on all the different elements within Movement Amsterdam. This can vary from handstand training to juggling and tactical partner games to breathing techniques. While we train different elements in each class, we will focus on one specific element every 3 months. This provides a common thread through the classes and allows you to track your progress.
Our classes are inspired by different movement methods such as Fighting Monkey and Ido Portal.
Handstand and Mobility
If you want to do a handstand, you need a solid and stable foundation. Preparation is key before flipping upside down. In this class, we will teach you your first wall handstand and how to transition to a freestanding handstand. This class will allow you to work on your mobility and build up strength to do a handstand while also improving general mobility in your daily life by utilizing specific handstand drills and techniques.
The process of learning to do a handstand requires time and dedication. It’s about putting in the work, conquering and overcoming fear, and reaping the rewards.
Are you ready for a challenge?
*For those more advanced in their handstand practice, this class will help you build strength and improve your technique so that you can balance on your hands more and more comfortably.
“Move, Live, Age with grace”
Organic Strength & Mobility
Have you always wanted to know how to do a proper pull-up or pistol squat? In the Organic Strength class, we focus on functional movements like squatting, lifting, pulling, and pushing in order to develop and build proper inner strength.
Basic strength within your joints, ligaments and muscles will greatly improve your Movement Practice and will be a big help when practicing other aspects of the practice like handstands, acrobatics or locomotion and other movement skills.
The teacher can differentiate the class so that everyone can participate at their own level, from beginner to advanced.
“Movement Complexity is by far the reason why we became human”
Animal Flow
With Animal Flow and Locomotion you'll learn basic natural patterns used in nature by many creatures and in various forms. Locomotion is a fluid, challenging, beautiful and rewarding movement system that relies on the use of low gait, squat, ground work, animal flow, inversion, crawl, bridge and quadru-pedal integrated into a refined layered movement flow close to the ground.
This class provides a great tool for strength development, truly usable and active mobility, joint protection, metabolic conditioning and expression.
The teacher can differentiate the class so that everyone can participate at their own level, from beginner to advanced.